

You may be looking to get your project team members, students, players, or employees, performing better on their projects, assignments, tasks, or deadlines. Maybe you have an individual struggling in these areas, but in truth, it could benefit the whole group to have these skills. Provide the support your team needs to keep on top of work, manage time, and be successful.

Executive Functioning Skills.


Time Management.

Scheduling and using open/free time in your work, home, school, balance. Planning time and tasks for short-term and long-term such as meetings, projects, commitments, and deadlines.


Routine Building.

Creating positive daily, weekly, or monthly routines for personal, professional, or fitness needs.

Task Attack.

Identifying, clarifying, and planning tasks or goals by breaking tasks into manageable parts as a way to accomplish what needs to be done.



Identify and create accountability check-ins for staying on target with routines, goals, tasks, time, for work, personal, or fitness requirements.


Creating, sorting, and identifying levels of priority in order to figure out what to and when to do it.


If these skills would be helpful to you or your student at home, check out services available for Professionals and Students.

Academic Skills.



Methods for planning time, reviewing and synthesizing material for Test/Quiz Preparation and approaches for Test-Taking. 


Writing Strategy. 

How to tackle large and small writing assignments in a methodical and organized way—i.e. Outlining, Drafting, Revising.

Material Synthesis.

What to do with materials from readings, lectures, homework, and classwork.



Speaking with professors. Accessing learning accommodations. Utilizing campus support resources.

Reading Strategies.

Comprehension—read efficiently and effectively. Note-taking—taking reading notes.


If these skills would be helpful to you or your student at home, check out services available for Professionals and Students.

Choose the method of learning that works for your team.


One-on-One Instruction.

Video Tutorials.


Whether you’re looking to improve team productivity or performance; build shared standards for your class culture; provide common practices for tackling tasks; finishing projects or presentations on time and on point; create proactive time management routines...



Are you a professor, teacher, coach, manager, or orientation leader, and looking for a way to provide your team of colleagues, students, players, or staff with important time management, prioritizing, and study skills?

I can provide your team with...

  • time management skills 

  • planning and prioritizing 

  • orientation to an in-coming group new to a program or company with positive habits

  • project management strategies to your staff or students

  • Test-preparation skills

  • Test-taking strategies

  • Study habits


I offer tailored workshops that can be interactive or presentation-style to provide introduction to skills, concrete examples, and ways to integrate skills into authentic application for your audience.


All aspects of group instruction will be designed through direct consultation, including topics, duration, and target audience for presentations.

One-on-One Instruction.

*With remote learning capabilities, individual instruction is available anywhere through FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or other convenient technologies.


One-on-One instruction is available if you have a member of your team, staff, or a student whom you think would benefit from working individually rather than in a group.

What are sessions like? From clearly identified areas for improvement and skills to learn, Andrea provides step by step strategies, and concrete ways to incorporate these strategies into work-life, home-life, or both. Skills are taught and then applied to authentic situations, so the individual is able to learn, practice, and then integrate the strategy to see it applied in an authentic way. Through practice and support, Andrea helps individuals use strategies and develop skills to make them feel more positive, and productive, and ultimately more confident and successful members of your team, or class, or group.


For successful outcomes, it is recommended to meet a minimum of four sessions to build understanding, practice, and application of skills.


Progress and success comes from the willingness to practice and apply strategies in and out of coaching sessions. These skills are not mastered overnight; they are built over time and through guided practice

Some questions when considering one-on-one instruction:

  1. How ready and willing am I to learn new skills and strategies?

  2. How often do I want to work with Andrea? Once a week? Twice a week? Or more?

  3. How long do I want to receive help? Four weeks? Two months? More?

Video Tutorials.


If you would like your team, or staff, or students, or players to have better planning and prioritizing skills before entering a new program or season, but you want them to have the flexibility to learn on their own, or the group seems receptive to videos, then set them up with the video tutorials.

Engaging short instructional videos that teach concrete step-by-step strategies. The videos can be purchased as individual video strategies, or together in a packaged series.


Three Part Video Series

Planning & Priotizing

Time Management.

Video 1. Thinking about time and tasks in the short-term and the long-term, scheduling, creating routines, using open/free time.

Task Attack.

Video 2. A step-by-step process for how to break tasks down into more manageable parts.


Video 3. Strategies for how to identify what tasks need to be done, in what order, and when.