
Work with Kindable learning specialist, Andrea Todd, in a one-on-one setting to get personalized instruction suited to your unique needs.


Whether you're a student or professional, you will find individual instruction meets you where you are and helps you develop the skills you need for reaching your goals. Andrea is able to customize strategies that work with an individual’s strengths and provide concrete ways to incorporate these strategies into the work-life, home-life, or both. 

Skills are taught and then applied to authentic situations, so an individual is able to learn, and then integrate the strategy to see it applied in an authentic way. Through practice and support, Andrea teaches strategies and skills to make individuals feel more positive, productive, and ultimately, more confident and successful.



For successful outcomes, it is recommended to meet a minimum of four sessions to build understanding, practice, and application of skills.


Progress and success comes from the willingness to practice and apply strategies in and out of coaching sessions. These skills are not mastered overnight; they are built over time and through guided practice.


Sessions can be scheduled in-person in the Burlington area. With remote learning capabilities, individual instruction is available anywhere through FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or other convenient technologies. *Due to COVID-19, all sessions will be online until further notice.


Ideal for students and professionals.

Some questions when considering one-on-one instruction:

  1. How ready and willing am I to learn new skills and strategies?

  2. How often do I want to work with Andrea? Once a week? Twice a week? Or more?

  3. How long do I want to receive help? Four weeks? Two months? More?

If you’re ready to get started, contact Andrea today to lay out a one-on-one instruction plan.

Hear endorsements from...


Hear the remarkable success story from Josh Speidel, nationally known for his inspirational story of recovery and triumph…

“Andrea taught me different strategies from time management, and helping me manage the time I had, to get the most out of it, to task attack, and in prioritizing my multitude of different tasks.”

— Josh Speidel, Student


“Thanks to Andrea I have developed plenty of beneficial ideas, such as using my phone calendars to mark down events that I don’t want to forget, and make a schedule throughout my day so I can make sure to remember to get the most work done as efficiently as possible.”

— Aidan Cunningham, Student


Listen to the compelling story from Jay, parent of a college student, describing the family’s satisfaction and support with the Kindable Learning experience.

“Andrea was instrumental in helping him get organized, helping him attack one thing at a time, and making time for himself as well.”

— Jay, Parent


“Andrea is able to help young people better develop their organizational skills and learning habits that work for them, immediately.”

— Cathy Rahill, Associate Athletic Director for Student Athlete Development and Academic Affairs, University of Vermont